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A N T I C O  T O N I C O  O R I E N T A L E

La Kombucha è un antico tonico orientale che si ottiene dalla fermentazione di un tè zuccherato con una coltura simbiotica di batteri e lieviti chiamata SCOBY (acronimo per Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast). Durante il processo di fermentazione lo SCOBY digerisce lo zucchero e trasforma il tè in un tonico naturalmente effervescente, dal gusto agrodolce, ricco in acidi organici benefici, minerali, antiossidanti naturali quali i polifenoli e aminoacidi.

What are the benefits?

Kombucha is a traditional fermented drink, not a supplement or even a drug. Our advice is to think of Kombucha as a Yogurt, a Kefir, or our favorite fruit: healthy, natural and which contributes to general well-being. If the traditional fermentation process is respected, authentic Kombucha is naturally rich in organic acids, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids. Scientific studies, albeit recent, show that Kombucha has beneficial effects on the intestinal microbiota, promotes digestion, promotes general well-being, supports the immune system and improves vitality.


Please note:

We are not doctors, not even scientists or academics. We are only conscious producers and consumers and we care about the food and drinks we consume and believe in food in its highest form and art. We know that every person is different and that every body reacts differently to the products we consume. Please keep in mind that the information shared is the result of our experience and that of other producers and consumers in the world and as such may not be applicable to every type of consumer.

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